For this project we developed an awesome music video as a user case, for an in-house training challenge. We combined some really amazing high fidelity megascan photogrammetry assets of a cyberpunk environment into a masterful background that combined both LED walls, spotlights and neon.
I’ve provided an example of the background we used as an image plate. Take note of the exceptional detail of the plate. We specifically chose a decent pixel pitch in our hardware to really play up the detail we’re use to working in. We made an excellent choice I believe with our LEDs.
Pixel pitch describes the density of the pixels (LED clusters) on an LED display and correlates with resolution. Sometimes referred to as pitch or dot pitch, the pixel pitch is the distance in millimeters from the center of a pixel to the center of the adjacent pixel.
We felt this particular scene would work really well if we introduced a vehicle. Vehicles are great props for music videos, but most importantly they’re great for their reflective surfaces, and mirrors. These features really helped to emphasise the lighting options that a virtual production volume presents.
During filming, our actors were able to work with the images on the virtual sets projected around them, This works well when our engine technicians are adding special effects and allows for camera operators ti capture these VFX in-camera. With the power of LED volumes and 3D prototyping, environments and props move seamlessly between physical objects in the real world and virtual objects on screen. You can move objects and assets around the set in real time, and experiment with camera angles and lighting.
You can see the reflections in the subject's glasses ( actually the Magic Leap mixed reality development headset) in the mirrors and the surface of the car itself. Historically our technicians would need to add those details in post-production, but because those details were part of the environment we were able to save time and energy and do it live.
We textured the environment using a smoke machine to add a layer of mystique to the composition and we feel it really complimented the design.
We’ll keep you posted as to how it develops
Ngā mihi
Vincent Egan
Director - Madison Henry-Ryan
Actor - Vincent Egan