Te Jankuru Series is an R&D IP we’ve developed in-house as a low risk, low pressure testing project. This series enables our staff to explore ideas and technical challenges in a fun and improvisational way and serves to refine the teams knowledge and organisational process’ that can be applied client projects.
This particular episode was based on the premise that Whare was an underground warlord seeking the assassination services of Tāmiti, the mysterious masked assassin. These two were placed in a grungy cyber punk suite and were tasked with developing the story from there through improvisation. This was useful as it gave us a chance to shoot on the fly and troubleshoot as we went.

Tuarua: Māui Virtual Production
For this project we developed an awesome music video as a user case, for an in-house training challenge. We combined some really amazing high fidelity megascan photogrammetry assets of a cyberpunk environment into a masterful background that combined both LED walls, spotlights and neon.
I’ve provided an example of the background we used as an image plate. Take note of the exceptional detail of the plate. We specifically chose a decent pixel pitch in our hardware to really play up the detail we’re use to working in. We made an excellent choice I believe with our LEDs.
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Tuatahi: Māui Virtual Production
The Māui VP crew continues to learn a lot about virtual production technology. As part of the teams professional development we set in-house content challenges to continue to refine our craft. The industry is quite new to VP overall, so the more hands on training we do the easier our projects get.
For this particular example we pulled content directly from the Unreal 5 Early Access showcase called Valley of the Ancients, and projected the 3d environments onto our LED walls. This was better then using image plates as we could have more control over the composition and lighting of each scene. The background wall is a 2.8mm black pearl and the 2 side panels are 4.8mm outdoor for localised lighting. We used additional lights to emphasise particular facial details of our Actor Thomas Egan.